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At Gateway Church, we are pleased to be hosting the Advance Theology Course. This course has been written by Andrew Wilson (King’s Church London) with the aim to help current or potential leaders, elders, or church planters to understand and provide biblical and theological foundations to support you and your church’s efforts to strengthen the church and gather the lost. But also if you would just like to come and learn more about your God, you are equally as welcome!
This course is completely FREE and spans over a two year period. A session will take place once every month on a Saturday, from 9:15 am - 12:30 pm, where we will watch videos of Andrew talking through different topics; we will also have moments of discussion to hear your peers views and thoughts. There will be a requirement of a bit of pre-reading before each session and maybe some videos to watch, however this should only take about 2 hours in the week prior. We hope you join this course.
21st September 2024
19th October 2024
16th November 2024
18th January 2025
15th February 2025
15th March 2025
17th May 2025
14th June 2025
20th September 2025
18th October 2025
15th November 2025
17th January 2026
21st February 2026
21st March 2026
16th May 2026
20th June 2026
Conquest to Monarchy
Conquest to Monarchy
Division to Exile
Division to Exile
Division to Exile
Exile & Return
The Gospels
The Gospels
The Gospels
The Church Age
The Church Age
The Church Age

This first module tackles “The Pentateuch.” The Pentateuch refers to the first five books of the Bible that were written primarily by Moses. The first video gives an overview of the Pentateuch. Each of the subsequent videos focuses on a topic, theme or emphasis found in the five books.
This next module, we pick up the story of Scripture from the end of the Pentateuch. The people of God have moved out of Egypt and landed in modern day Israel. They now need to “conquer” the land by removing its inhabitants. By the end of this section of Scripture the people will have settled in the land and established a government ruled by a king (monarchy). We cover the biblical books of Joshua to Song of Songs. It would be very difficult to study book by book, so we briefly walk through it chronologically and then topically by focusing on a few major themes.
In this module we track the period from the “division” to the “exile”. The books of the Bible weren’t put together chronologically, so we have to jump around a little to keep things in order. The “division” refers to the time when the kingdom of Israel was split into two major portions: “Israel” and “Judah”. “Israel” refers to the northern ten tribes; “Judah” refers to the southern two tribes (Judah and Benjamin). The “exile” refers to the time when God’s people were taken out of their land to basically become slaves of two kingdoms (Assyria and Babylon). So, we follow from when God split the kingdom until each kingdom had been taken into captivity. In this module, we’ll cover 1-2 Kings and the majority of the prophets.
In this short module, we cover the story of Ezra-Nehemiah and Esther. We also look at a few of the prophets who spoke toward the end of the exile and after it (Daniel, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi). We’ll briefly investigate what happens between the Old and New Testaments.
We have at last arrived at the New Testament! The Gospels continue the story of the Old Testament, but they also reimagine our expectations. In this module, we’ll expand on the background of the Gospels, identify some of the distinguishing features of each of the four Gospels, and then discuss some of the theology that emerges from these four books.
Under the “Church Age” we mean the rest of the New Testament. In this module, we’ll cover the book of Acts and most of the books of the New Testament. Acts tells the story of how the church began, matured, and multiplied to fill the Roman Empire with the Gospel of Jesus. Early teachers in the church wrote letters, sermons, Gospels, and an apocalypse to strengthen the church in her mission.
In this final module, we discover the story of the church and see how doctrine and practice developed over time. How did Christianity move from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth, where most of us live? How was it translated from Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek and Latin into the languages and cultures in which we worship the Lord Jesus? In this module we’ll hear this story and also read excerpts from Christians throughout the centuries and the world.